E-Learning Programmes
Enrich yourself with professionally with bite-sized learning on the go!
ISCA CPE has launched e-learning modules to supplement the class-based programmes to help busy professionals fulfil their CPE obligations at their convenience. Professionals who may be travelling can also access the e-learning courseware 24/7.
View courses hereE-Learning courses in collaboration with external parties
Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA)
Improve your skills and earn CPE credit with high-quality, self-paced courses from AICPA. Choose from e-learning modules ranging from Internal controls, Governance, Cost accounting and US GAAP accounting.
BPP Professional Education
BPP Professional Education is one of Europe’s leading specialist providers of professional education, delivering a range of industry-leading Professional Qualifications, Professional Apprenticeships, Professional Development programmes and Learning Media. Choose from 40 e-learning modules ranging from IFRS and US GAAP, to Finance topics ranging from balanced scorecard and Investment appraisal to Shareholder value.
Intuition e-Learning library comprise more than 400 courses which will help professionals build on their knowledge in the areas of Finance and Business skills. The library of courses extends to all areas of the financial sector including Capital Markets & Derivatives, Risk Management, Regulation & Compliance, Financial Analysis & Valuation, Wealth Management and Consumer/Retail Banking.
The Singapore Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management (SIPMM)
The Singapore Institute of Purchasing and Materials Management (SIPMM) is the nation’s professional body for the LPS sector - the sector which includes professionals in Logistics, Procurement and Supply Chain. Since its founding in 1972, SIPMM has trained over 100,000 LPS professionals through its comprehensive suite of Specialised Qualifications, Executive Development Programmes as well as Specialised In-House Workshops across the region - which includes Multinational Firms, ICT Conglomerates, Governments, and the Armed Forces.With over 4 decades of Progressive Professional Development in Singapore and the region, SIPMM is committed to supporting professionals and organisations be Future-Ready for the Future Economy.