Breakfast Talk

The monthly Breakfast Talk Series continues to provide informative and concise sessions for busy professionals to upgrade themselves and keep in touch with industry trends and standards.

Upcoming Breakfast Talk

09 February 2022

BT2202 : ISCA Breakfast Talk – Environmental and social risks and impacts on infrastructure projects (Live Webinar)


Environmental and social sustainability is a fundamental aspect of infrastructure development. It is important to finance the right projects in a right manner. In this session, Chee Wee, Senior Environmental and Social Specialist from AIIB will share (i) key components of an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) and (ii) common environmental and social risks and impacts in selected infrastructure projects.

Join us in this talk as our speaker share his insights into these questions.




Past Breakfast Talks 2021

BT2201 : ISCA Breakfast Talk - State of Play of Intelligent Automation in the Finance Function

Digital transformation and intelligent automation (IA) have been in the limelight in recent years. Many companies have in fact had to consider adopting digital solutions extremely quickly during the pandemic to cope with disruptions to business operations and lockdowns. Just as the other facets of business, the Finance function has been impacted by adoption of these technologies. But what has changed? What needs to evolve? Is a finance function augmented by IA a cornerstone of a trusted and sustainable business? How can an organisation leverage IA to gain a competitive advantage?

Join us in this talk as our speakers share their insights into these questions.

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BT2112 : ISCA Breakfast Talk – Managing Data Breaches and Reputational Risk in a Pandemic

Cyber-crime is rising rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemic as threat actors seek to exploit the disruption caused by the pandemic. As businesses operate based on remote work practices, these changes come with heighted cybersecurity risks. Businesses are recognizing the risks that come with such exposure and are taking steps to enhance their cybersecurity and incident response capabilities.

In this webinar, EY will take a look at maintaining trust through the pandemic, high-impact breaches, readiness, cyber incident reporting, and more.

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BT2111: ISCA Breakfast Talk – Investigations: The Next Generation

COVID-19 has shattered preconceptions about what a resilient company or economy looks like. Within the risk and compliance industry, this has manifested itself as a concern among professionals that there will be an influx of financial impropriety and fiscal malfeasance cases – a global crisis is the perfect breeding ground for opportunistic fraudsters and internal misconduct leading to an increase in investigations. In recent years, there are also clear signs that courts and regulators are becoming more accepting of technologies such as data analytics and artificial intelligence as professional tools to support and enhance investigations.
During this session, Brett Clapp, Senior Managing Director and Ben Ee, Managing Director from FTI Consulting will share steps that companies should prioritise to emerge stronger from this extraordinary crisis.

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BT2110: ISCA Breakfast Talk – Transforming your finance function by leveraging process change and new technologies

As the finance function transitions to its role as a strategic business partner, there is increasing demand for the finance system to be more integrated, agile, and transparent with streamlined and efficient processes. With continued disruption to work environments, it is critical to establish a flexible financial close and robust planning process. How can finance teams of any size and complexity embark on a finance transformation journey and make it a success? Besides technology changes, what other changes in the organization, processes and people need to be considered? What are the key learning points from transformation projects and how can finance teams avoid common pitfalls? 
In this webinar, EY will explore how process changes and finance technology can be used to optimize the financial close and planning processes to unlock innovation and transformation within the organization. This is highly relevant as emerging digital technologies disrupt organizations and finance functions are compelled to innovate with speed and scale.

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BT2109: ISCA Breakfast Talk – Fighting Climate Change and Supporting Green Finance (Live Webinar)

For centuries, accountants provide trust and accountability that stakeholders and the market need - in financial performance, risk management and now in sustainability. What traits make accountants suitable to support a spectrum of key sustainability areas such as carbon measurement, TCFD disclosures (including climate scenario analysis), sustainability reporting, impact assessments, green finance? What are some key first steps an accountant can take to start on the sustainability journey? The global green and sustainable financing market continues to grow strongly, as investors increasingly incorporate ESG criteria into their capital allocation decisions, banks adopt responsible financing practices and businesses step up their sustainability efforts. As sustainable finance continues to gather momentum, increased transparency will be demanded, amidst concerns over greenwashing and the lack of a common framework in labelling "green" activities and in measuring the impact of green/sustainable finance. Join us in this talk as our speakers examine how accountants can contribute to the fight against climate change and how increased transparency needs to be built into sustainable finance to move it forward.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Hopes and Fears of the Singaporean Workforce (Live Webinar)

Our latest PwC Hopes and Fears Survey revealed divergent views about the future of jobs with some concerning undercurrents. 50% of Singaporean workers think it is likely that their job will be obsolete within five years, and 65% are worried that automation is putting many jobs at risk. 81% of workers also indicated that they are ready to upskill and confidence to adapt to new technologies is high. We are seeing inclusion, open collaboration and transparency as essential for high productivity, innovation and growth. Join Martijn Schouten, PwC's Workforce Transformation Leader, as he shares on acclimatising to new ways of working and finding opportunities to emerge stronger as a workforce.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Thriving in the Age of Change (Live Webinar)

Finance automation solutions are enabling corporations to embrace this change: to increase efficiency, improve accuracy, and decrease risk. Accountants are unleashed to be more proactive, focus on complex and judgmental areas, and drive strategic business decisions. Our speakers will share on how to employ best practices, resulting in a better utilized, more efficient organization that focuses on risk management, compliance, and data analytics.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Responding to Covid-19 : Risks and Opportunities in Real Estate (Live Webinar)

The real estate industry had to rethink how it would continue in a world where remote working was the new normal, where tenant-focused services are underutilised and stakeholders had to be engaged differently. Join us in this talk as our speakers examine the risks specific to the real estate sector, how these risks were mitigated and possible opportunities that underline the current situations.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Facilitating Asia Economies’ Shift to a More Sustainable Future with Green Financing (Live Webinar)

In this session, Mr Lawrence Wu, President & Executive Director, Sunseap Group will be sharing some of Sunseap Group’s efforts in driving green financing to support Singapore and the region’s transition to a more sustainable future, as well as how accounting and finance trained professionals can play a role.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – On the Legislative Trail of the Missing Trader (Fraud) (Live Webinar)

This session, by ISCA and the Singapore Chartered Tax Professionals, seeks to help you and your clients understand the wide implications of the new legislative rules, and the due diligence and record-keeping requirements which are required to protect your business from potential denial of input tax claims, surcharges and penalties if the business “should have known” that its transactions have a connection with a MTF arrangement.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Case Studies on Cybersecurity: The Human Factor (Live Webinar)

With more processes and companies embarking on their digitalisation journeys, risk management strategies and polices that focus on cybersecurity must evolve in tandem. Join us in this talk as our speakers examine two case studies of lapses in cybersecurity. They will share how these lapses were detected, the damages suffered, what the responses were and how the relevant organisations recovered from these setbacks.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - Finance Disrupted: Industry Preparedness Index and Looking Ahead (Live Webinar)

“How well prepared are you and your company in managing significant business disruptions?” Mr Tan Lee Thong gave participants of the "ISCA Breakfast Talk - Finance Disrupted: Industry Preparedness Index and Looking Ahead (Live Webinar)” much food for thought with his insightful sharing on the changing world of finance and results from Workday’s study on the Industry Preparedness Index. 

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Past Breakfast Talks 2020

ISCA Breakfast Talk- Managing Risk in a Digital World (Live Webinar)

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the likelihood and impact of digital threats - cyber security, data security and the risk in an organisation's transformation agenda are not things that are 'good to' consider anymore, but a 'must' consider. Join us in this session with Vandit Bhatia from PwC Singapore to learn more about how organisations can secure their digital risks,  and leverage cybersecurity and data security for growth in a post-COVID landscape.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk- Fighting Fraud in Post COVID-19 World - Is Technology the Solution? (Live Webinar)

Diversity is not just a metric to be strived for. In fact, it is an integral part of a successful corporation and is ever more pertinent amid the Covid-19 pandemic, as companies are challenged to innovate in this uncertain business environment. Join us in this talk as our speakers share the business case for promoting diversity and practical tips on how to promote diversity in the workplace and on Boards.

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ISCA-SMU Breakfast Talk- Governance Matters: Delivering Business Innovation and Growth through Diversity (Live Webinar)

Diversity is not just a metric to be strived for. In fact, it is an integral part of a successful corporation and is ever more pertinent amid the Covid-19 pandemic, as companies are challenged to innovate in this uncertain business environment. Join us in this talk as our speakers share the business case for promoting diversity and practical tips on how to promote diversity in the workplace and on Boards.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Setting the Next Generation of Sustainability Goals (Live Webinar)

Over the course of the past years, external sustainability reporting has gone from a compliance requirement to a business norm. The process of sustainability reporting disclosures has not only provided greater transparency on corporate behavior, but has integrated sustainability as part of business strategy. The session aims to provide best practices for companies in Singapore to define the material issues, define their goals and set meaningful targets.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Prepare, Respond and Emerge Stronger from the Evolving Fraud Risk Landscape (Live Webinar)

Fraud and economic crime rates remain at record high, impacting companies in more ways than ever. Covid-19 has also triggered fast changes in the way organisations are doing business, organising their workforce and managing their supply chains. The current crisis has the potential to further exacerbate fraud incidents as businesses try their best to manage the disruption and stay afloat.

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ISCA-SMU Breakfast Talk – Governance Matters: Managing Governance and Sustainable Value Creation in Uncertain Times (Live Webinar)

Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, there is heightened awareness of the need to anticipate and manage risks in an ever more dynamic and uncertain environment. Boards of Directors, Audit and Risk Management Committees, C-suite executives and employees need to keep abreast of the global trends in governance and its implications on businesses, in order to better understand the risks and opportunities to creating sustainable businesses.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk – Lease Accounting Implementation and Post-Compliance Insights (Live Webinar)

When IFRS16 (Leases) came into effect on 1 January 2019, a significant hurdle has been overcome in getting to IFRS 16 transition and compliance. Now it’s time to address “day 2” challenges by optimising lease management and reporting processes, and leveraging emerging technologies and the treasure trove of data now available to inform decision making, reduce costs and better manage risks from leasing.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk  How to Manage Tax Dispute and Stay atop on the Benefits of a Good Tax Corporate Governance Framework (Live Webinar)

Businesses today must understand how controversy trends will affect them and think ahead by putting in place a sound system of risk management to prevent, manage and resolve tax dispute. At our first Breakfast Talk Live Webinar, our speakers shared the approaches to manage tax dispute and how to implement a robust tax corporate governance framework within your organisation.

ISCA Breakfast Talk - An Illustrative Explanation of Changes in Ownership Interests

In this session, our speaker explained why FRS 110 Consolidated Financial Statements and FRS 103 Business Combinations require special accounting treatment for changes in ownership interests with or without change in control and presented a snapshot of the application of the principles to four scenarios.

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Past Breakfast Talks 2019

ISCA Breakfast Talk –Sustainability Reporting

In this session, Mr Mohit Grover from Deloitte explained the importance of sustainability reporting and ESG disclosures is increasing across the globe. Investors, NGOs and other key stakeholders are requesting greater transparency and disclosure on both current and future impacts.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk –Leveraging Fintech Partnerships to Fuel SME Growth

In this session, Mr Anand Periwal from Validus Capital explained how FinTech has transformed the SME lending landscape, what digital banking licenses could mean for SMEs, and how accountants could be part of the driving force for SME financial inclusion.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - How Finance can Become Better Business Partner 

In this session, Mr Erik Saito from Workiva explains methods of developing successful business partnerships and how to uncover the true value of the accounting and finance functions. Participants were enlightened on how to take active steps to elevate the strategic value of their work and activities.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - Risk Management in Today's Evolving Electronic Payments World 

In this session, Mr Foo Chit Leong and Mr David Ng from OCBC Bank illustrated the risks and lapses with real-life cases and shared the best risk management practices in today’s evolving electronic payments world. The speakers also emphasised the need for individuals to be aware of the risks and comply with the organisation’s controls, as often humans are the weakest link.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - City-Shaping and Nation-Building—How Infrastructure will Drive Prosperity and Opportunity for Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia is facing unprecedented demands for new projects to improve living standards and create opportunities for the hundreds of millions of people in the region. In this session, our speaker from EY explained what this demand means for regional development in terms of future projects, and how cooperation between governments and industry will be critical to delivering them.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - Beyond the Boardroom: Why Strong Internal Controls are Important for Businesses Today

In this talk, our speaker from Nexia discussed on the key areas and processes that are useful in setting up new or enhancing existing internal controls,  some common areas of improvement that can be undertaken by the finance team, as well as practical challenges faced when implementing internal controls, particularly for smaller companies.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - Lessons Learnt from the COI findings on the SingHealth Cyber Attacks

A summary of key takeaways from the COI Report were presented in this session with our speaker from PwC sharing their perspectives and recommendations on the immediate actions that organisations should take to level up their cyber defence based on the lessons learnt from the SingHealth incident. 

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ISCA Breakfast Talk  - Investment Positioning – Proven Strategies to Attract Investors

The speaker from Light Bulb Advisory shared on how businesses can position themselves differently from others and communicate its value to attract potential investors to invest.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk  - Keeping your data secure for your day to day business   

Cybersecurity has always been important. But the growing stream of recent large-scale attacks in the past year driven more urgency around this topic today. This session looks at ways to improve defence against the Cyber Threats and reduce risk for the business.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk  - Alternative Financing

In this session, speaker from Funding Societies deep dived into Peer-to-Peer Lending aka Debt Crowdfunding, and how it can aid SMEs during various tight cash flow situations. This allowed participants to learn more about the concept of crowdfunding and how it can possibly help to increase their client's working capital to further scale their business.

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ISCA Breakfast Talk - Tax Snapshot – Tax impact on businesses from the adoption of various accounting standards

A general overview of the tax treatment arising from the adoption of various accounting standards and how the tax treatment could have a potential impact in terms of the tax costs and compliance burden for businesses.

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