For Job Seekers
For members who are looking for new jobs or career progression
Job Board
In partnership with Workforce Singapore (WSG), the Institute is hosting a career placement portal targeted at the Accountancy community featuring job openings that are specific to the needs of finance and accounting professionals. For members who are job hunting, this is an opportunity for you to gain employment with fellow Chartered Accountants. Looking for a job or making a career switch? Browse through the job board and start applying for jobs online today.
Click here to enter Job Board/professionals/istock-845530100-c.jpg?sfvrsn=46efdedd_2)
Career Matching Programme
If you are seeking career opportunities, and require additional assistance, you can apply to be listed on ISCA's Career Support Page. This list will be made public to potential employers. If an employer is keen to contact you, ISCA will seek your consent prior to releasing your contact details. This service is complimentary for ISCA members only.
Click here to apply to be profiled.Are you looking for options to do a short term stint or considering a mid-career switch? We have curated a list of government programmes and schemes that are available to help you adapt to the changing job demands and growing your skills.
What is it? | Workforce Singapore (WSG)’s Professional Conversion Programmes (PCPs) are career conversion programmes targeted at Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians (PMETs), including mid-career switchers, to undergo skills conversion
and move into new occupations or sectors that have good prospects and opportunities for progression.
The ongoing PCP for the accountancy sector is to make a career switch to become internal auditors. |
Who is it for? | For Individuals
Beyond the general eligibility criteria for PMETs, other course-specific entry criteria and employer-specific job criteria may apply for different PCPs. |
How does it benefit you? |
For more information |
For other non-accountancy related PCPs, please visit WSG website. |
What is it? | UTAP is a training grant for NTUC members to defray their cost of training
Who is it for? | For NTUC union members who have attended ISCA trainings supported under UTAP, you will be entitled to claim 50% of unfunded course fee capped at $250 per year upon course completion.
How does it benefit you? |
For more information | For more information, please visit NTUC website.
Hotline: (65) 6213 8088
If you are at your career crossroads and unsure how to proceed, the Workforce Singapore (WSG) and Employment and Employability Institute (e2i) are providing complimentary career coaching services for all Singaporeans to support you in your career advancement.
WSG Officers will provide you advice on the employment assistance options available.
Indicate your interest here.
WSG's newest programme to provide individuals with career related support and guidance as they navigate professional pathways to advance their careers, or transition to other jobs.
View the list of Volunteer Career Advisors and apply to be connected with one of them here.
Discuss with e2i's career coach and get personal help with establishing your professional path.
Indicate your interest here.